This is not a nut you hear about al lot. It is called the Kola Nut. It is from the cacao Family of Trees. Its botanical name is Cola acuminata. The native tree is African and can grow up to 60 feet. I have never seen the tree but it is described with pale yellow flowers streaked with purple. It must look spectacular. The fruit is wrinkled, and each fruit contains about a dozen seeds

The seeds are the kola nut. The Africans treat the seeds as a burst of energy—caffeinated that is.

Medicinally the Kola elixirs have been prescribed for seasickness and as an appetite stimulant. I have seen it prescribed with quinine and genitan. There are Kola wines. There was one well known wine from Kola called Toni - Koli

I couldn’t find this wine anywhere on the internet

Until tomorrow…