It is the biggest craze or fad right now. It is even bigger than drinking 16- 32 oz of celery juice first thing int he morning. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting is superior to constant eating in many ways. Most of my patioents have tried intermittent fasting. This is not eating after dinner until 12 noon to 2 pm the next day. It is not for everyone. I would consult your health care practitioner. The New England Jounral of Medicine disucssed in an article various types of fasting which have proved to be beneficial to your health.
Most studies have shown that intermittent fasting improves metabolism, and does reduce important risk factors in diabets and heart diesase. There is a 3- 8 % reduction in body weight over 3 to 24 weeks. Some studioes have seen a 4 % of their fat mass lost in only 22 days.
Studies also have seen in a reduction in inflammation with intermittent fasting Since inflammation is the precorsor to atherosclerosis, then intermittent fasting can help and reduice heart disease. More studies need to be done in this area. We do know that calric restriction in anaiml studies leads to less growth of cancer
Consult your health care practitioner about intermittent fasting. I feel there are no bad side effect only beneficial ones.
Until tomorrow…