We need zoinc. It is an essential element to our wellbeing. I have many of my patients taking opti-Zinc as a protection against COVID 19. Zinc in our body is a catlyst for about 100 different enzyme reactions in our body. Since zinc is not stored in the body it must be taken every day.
Zinc deficiency is seen in most patients with a low or under active thyroid called Hypothyroidism. Zinc deficiency prevents the conversion of hormone T4 into the active T3 hormone. Zinc is also needed to form th thyroid stimulating hormone ( TSH) There are food sources of zinc as oysters, chicken, beef and lobster. So a vegetarian or vegan would have a zinc deficiency and must supplement. Zinc absorption is also impaired in many patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IUBS) or rather best termed “ Leaky Gut “ Any insult to the gut such as food allergies, heavy metals intoxication, chronic infections et al can cause gut disturbance which would lead to a zinc deficiency.
A good clinician ( doctor) can defect zinc deficiency on the liver function tests ( AST , ALT , and Alk phos) A low alkaline phosphatase can be the first sign of a zinc deficiency.
Zinc is required for all. Ask your doctor to check zinc, copper and selenium levels especially if you have a thyroid problem. You must take 1 mg of copper for every 15mg of zinc you take
Get your zinc level checked today
Until tomorrow…