This last yeaqr has been numb to many including me. WE all have sufered in some way- I witnessed first hand the devastation that corona caused killing friends, family and patientgs. More than 500,000 have died from COV ID in the United States

We are now in a vaccine frenzy? Should I or shouldn’t I? According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System ( VAERS) there have been 12,697 injuries following vaccination and 653 deaths. This is what was reported. Is it true? Are there much more that haven’t not been reported ?

Of cases reported between December 14 2020 and February 4, 2021 , 3.69 % were life threatening and the numbner of deathjs were 5.14. Pzifer accounts for 58 % of deaths while Moderna 41 % What is more disturbing was looking at January 2020 to January 2021 where you find that COVID 19 vaccines account fdor a 70 % of annual vaccine deaths

Do you get vaccinated ? Some of us have no choice. Health care professionals will eventually need a vaccine to renew their medical licenses There are many who at at risk with heart disease, diabetes, autoiummune disorders and cancer.

You evenbtually have to enter the real world. There will be a time where a vaccine passport will be mandated. There are many countries who have acquirted grants to work on the future state of affairs. In a recent article ‘ Papers Please’ on Dr Mercola’s website you can read about the increased surveillance with vaccine passports.

The world has changed—don’t be fooled . With all the grief we now must deal with the future of ‘ normal daily life’ with a type of vaccine passport.

Until tomorrow…