Diverticulosis is a common condition characterized by the formation of small pouch like herniations along the wall of the GI tract. These are called diverticuli They usually appear in the large intestines but there can be diverticuli along other areas in the GI tract. If one of these pouches get inflammed or infected , you now have divericulitis. This usually requires a visit to the ER, blood tests, CT scans and intravenous antibiotics.
I have used herbal teas or tonics on my patients to alleviate gas, bloating , nausea and pain in their abdomen
I use three to four herbs ( fresh if possible) licorice root , marshmallow, root , raspberry leaves and plantain leaves You boil the water and add the roots first, then add the leaves. You use 1 tablespoon of each herb to 1 1/2 quarts of water.
Strain you should take 1 cup 4 to 5 times a day with 1/4 tsp or either maple syrup or raw honey.
This will help your diverticulosis and prevent and support divericulitis
Until tomorrow…