We all need minerals. Minerals are found in Mother Earth and in our food. They are essential for life and so important to heart and brain function. I feel we take these minerals for granted. Yes we all know the important of macrominerals which are potassium, sodium, calcium , magnesium and chloride. We do not think of the trace minerals as often as we should These are copper, selenium, zinc, fluoride, iodine, chromium. manganese, and molybdenum. There are some foods that are abundant in the trace minerals.

One of thee food that contain an abundance are Nuts and Seeds. I advocate these as snacks during the day While I am writing this I am having a Trail Mix of nuts and seeds that I put together. It contains pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts , walnuts and hazelnuts. I DO NOT put dried fruit in it. One Brazil nut provides more than enough selenium and pumpkin seeds deliver the magnesium that is required. You need to know what moderation means when having nuts and seeds It does not mean a full bag of almonds. If you do not munching on nuts and seeds, you can incorporate these as nut butters into a smoothie or protein shake during the day.

The other sources are shellfish, organ meats , eggs, and cocoa. I prefer beans and cruciferous vegetables besides nuts and seeds for the minerals. You need the cruciferous vegetables for the Sulphur. Sulphur is needed for cellular function, DNA production and detoxification It is also needed for the production of a powerful antioxidant, gluthathione.

So try the nuts and seeds It is the easiest , most convenient and delicious

Until tomorrow…