I tend to write what is familiar to me or on a subject I am becoming familiar with. Last year I planted a Gooseberry bush in my front yard. This year I am tasting gooseberries.

The gooseberry, with scientific names Ribes uva-crispa, is a species of Ribes. It is native to Europe, the Caucasus and northern Africa. The species is also sparingly naturalized in scattered locations in North America. Gooseberry bushes produce an edible fruit

Although ripe gooseberries are hard to come by, both red and green types darken in color as they mature, taking on a boozy, Muscat grape-like flavor. When they are consumed raw and unripe, gooseberries taste like sour grapes. I ate my gooseberry when they were green. And they were sour but very tasty.

I consider Gooseberries to be a Superfood. They are high in Vitamin C and rich in antioxidants . Gooseberries are good for balancing female hormones and a great benefit as a low glycemic fruit for patients with cancer. They are rich in Vitamin A which improves eyesight, and immunity. They are also rich in iron

Try gooseberries today

Until tomorrow…