We live in a toxic world. Not everything you think healthy is actually healthy There are more than 70,000 chemicals in everyday products that each of us has used that is not safety tested for potential harm to humans. Independently many of these products have caused cancer. Yes it is an overwhelming task You need to pick and choose what to fight for and what to believe.
Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide . As a matter of fact, 1 in 6 deaths are cancer related. Every 60 seconds a person dies of a cardiovascular disease while every 60 seconds —3 new people are diagnosed with cancer.
As a integrative/functional medicine physician as well as a cardiologist/herbalist I see many cancer patients. The cause could be food related as a diet high in refined sugar, or even diet sodas containing aspartame. Mold has been implicated in the causes of cancer, but toxins in forms of glycophosphates is a major cause. You can be tested for these chemicals or toxins in your system. There are many herbal remedies, even some from the rainforest that can be beneficialfor the fight against cancer. I recently listened to a webnar about toxins as well as receiving a book entitled “ 17 cancer causing Toxins” I found this to be very informative, educational and interesting. Individuals who are battling cancers or know someone who is need to get the ‘low down’ on other treatment modalities that are available.
At both Fratellone Medical Associates in NYC and at Connecticut Integrative Medical Center , we specialize in the treatment of cancer. We take an integrative approach using testing no where else available.