Upper gastrointestinal illness is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. There are many causes. Some of the illnesses are ulcers, gastritis. motility problems and Helicobacter pylori.

Most people have heard the use of peppermint oil and even deglychrrized licorice for the above conditions. There are studies on peppermint oil which is used most commonly for abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome. I utilize many therapies in my practice after a full work up ( history/physical and laboratory data)

I am fond of mixing 4-5 organic teas together and ask the patient to drin 1-2 times a day for 10 days. The blend is called GUTSY which is available at Botanical Bounty in New York City.

There are many other remedies. I want to mention drinking the fresh juice from the whole plant of Bocapa monniera. It is also known as Brahmi . This is used commonly in Ayurvedic practices. It has bene shown that Brahmi promotes mucosal defenses via enhanced mucin secretin and glycoprotein This therapy is very effective

Until tomorrow…