The most popular gut remedy herb is Peppermint for allebviating gas and abdominal cramps. It doesn’t work for everyone but should be used. I have seen it combined with caraway seeds. One herb that is used is Chamomille. I feel we only think of chamomille as an herb to sleep or relax. It is a very effective herb for the gastrointestinal problems. There are many herbs with special affinity for the GI tract which can act as anti spasmodics. These are

  1. Hops ( Humulus lupulus)

  2. Valerian ( Valeriana officinales)

  3. Wild Yam ( Dioscorea villosa)

  4. Bogbean ( Menyanthes trifoliata)

  5. Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinales)

Until tomorrow…