Have you ever wondered what you could eat in the wild if you had to ? Many of us do not think of this nor do we have to. It would be for your survival.

We all know our market vegetables and fruits are trusted edible species, but what about wild plants? Here are a few common (North American) goodies that are safe to eat if you find yourself stuck in the wild There are many plants that you could eat. Some of these include:

  1. wild asparagus

  2. all berries ( mulberry, gooseberries, elderberries, and blackberries )

  3. pine

  4. dandelions

  5. many nuts as walnuts, hazelnuts, hickory and even acorns)

A roadside herb called Plantain can be consumed Plantain is one of those plants that seems to thrive right on the edge of gardens and driveways, and it’s also edible. If you identify garlic mustard and watercress—these can be also eaten. I love chickweed as an edible herbs There are many books on edible plants . Unless you know about mushrooms and how to identify them I would not pick and consume wild mushrooms without a vast knowledge.

Until tomorrow