Is gluten toxic, a harmless indulgence, or part of a healthy diet? We know that people with medical conditions like celiac disease need to go gluten-free, but what about everyone else? How do you know if you’re gluten intolerant? Or gluten-sensitive? Millions of people around the world have gone gluten-free in the last decade. A 2015 Gallup poll FOUND that around one-fifth of Americans and many Europeans prefer gluten-free foods Some of the gluten free processed foods contain a lot of sugar and other ingredients for which you might be sensitive to.
Gluten is an umbrella name for proteins called prolamins (primarily glutenin and gliadin ) found in wheat, rye, barley and oats There are blood tests to determine if you have a gluten allergic and have celiac disease. These are antibodies for gliadin, endomysial and transglutaminase. These are very specific. Some gastroenterologists believe you must have a biopsy. I do recommend food allergy testing by Ig G not Ig E ( which is immediate sensitivity) Here is a small list of foods that contain gluten
Wheat: bread, pasta, baked goods, sauces, cereals, soups, roux (a mixture of flour with a fat like oil or butter, used as a thickening agent for soups and sauces), salad dressings, soy sauces
At both Fratellone Medical and Connecticut Integrative Medical Center we offer comprehensive testing for gluten allergy and gluten sensitivity. We have trained professional staff as naturopathic doctors with specialty training in Nutrition to deal with your food sensitivities. Get the right test done
If you want to read a book about a life with Celiac Disease I suggest Jennifer’s Way : My Journey with Celiac Disease by Jennifer Esposito. Published in 2014 .