There is potential pharmacokinetic interactions between some herbs and supplements especially involving those drugs/supplements/herbs those metabolize through the many CYP3A and CYP2DG pathways.

Today in our NYC and Fairfield office I do a test called Integrated Genetic Solutions otherwise known as IGS. I have been involved with this test and involved in its conception 3 years ago. I utilize 15 genes to determine which medications the individual is sensitive to meaning that he/she can or cannot take. There are some herbs that metabolized by these genetic pathways,

For example goldenseal is a known to be a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4/5 and CYP2D6 . This means it that goldenseal will interfere with medication that metabolized also by these genes. Are you a fast, intermediate or slow metabolizer of this gene and other genes

St Johns wort is also a well known strong inducer of the CYP3A4 gene

Do you want to find out if YOU are?

Call Fratellone Medical Associates at 212 421 3202 or our Fairfield Office 203 717 1339 to get your IGS done today

Until tomorrow…