I don’t know how I gained a vast knowledge of plants. Some is from my Integrative training in Arizona with Dr T Lowdog, and a lot is with 7Song at Northeast School of botanical Medicines. I have to say I read a lot
I have been reading a series of Botanical Books. Botanical, a new series from Reaktion, is the first to integrate horticultural writing with a broader account of the cultural and social impact of plants. The first book in the series was Oak. To date I have about 8 in the series- Birch, Rose, Primrose, Sunflower, Cactus, and my favorite Carnivorous Plants. I am awaiting the delivery of Bamboo. I just order Cannabis and Lily.
The book on Tulip reads like a novel “ A long time ago, you could only find them on the slopes of remote mountain ranges in Asia, but today they are the very symbol of modern genetics, a species unrivalled for the variety of colors and forms that breeders can create: tulips. In this book, Celia Fisher traces the story of this important and highly popular plant, from its mountain beginnings to its prevalence in the gardens of Mughal, Persian, and Ottoman
Makes a great Christmas gift for any plant lover
Until tomorrow…