There are many natural sweeteners on the market today. Which natural sweetener do you use? We are NOT talking about the pink packet ( Sweet n Low),  blue packet ( Equal) and even the yellow packet ( Splenda).

You ave seen on the back of labels of some products, sugar alcohols. These are plenty in the protein bars. Some of these are maltitol, xylitol and erythriol. The side effects of these sugar alcohols are digestive in nature mainly diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. This is mainly due to the slow and incomplete absorption in the small intestines. The small intestines is the 'shag rug' of absorption.

Today more of my patients are using stevia. There are studies supporting the use of Stevia. The studies have revealed that Stevia may low blood sugar and triglyceride levels. There is even studies stating that stevia can act as free radical scavenger antoxidants.

I do recommend one natural sweeteners. It is high quality raw honey. As a backyard beekeeper I am passionate about bees and their honey. Raw honey furnishes the body with a number of critical vitamins as B2, B6, iron and manganese. The multitude of studies on honey reveal that honey is a natural weapon against free radicals. It is also a natural antibiotic. Support beekeepers and honey bee associations.  Do not forget Blackstrap molasses as this a more concentrated amount of vitamins, minerals and the trace minerals. I utilize black strap for those patients that are iron deficient..

I cannot end without mentioning agave syrup. It contains 97% of fructose. This is the very type of sugar when isolated from its fruit based origins has been implicated in the rapid rising rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases..  So agave in my opinion might not be the best natural sweetener. There is maple syrup and honey

My choice is honey… Being a beekeeper helps

Our HoneybeeMD honey is now available at Botanical Bounty 646 723 1823

Until tomorrow...


Avocados have surged in popularity, not just as a trendy food item but as a powerhouse of nutrition and health benefits. This creamy, versatile fruit, often mistaken for a vegetable, is a staple in kitchens worldwide, famed for its rich texture and subtle flavor

Avocados are a nutritional powerhouse packed with vital nutrients that contribute significantly to overall health. They are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, essential for reducing bad cholesterol levels and improving heart health. Avocados also contain many vitamins, including vitamins K, E, C, and B-6, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium.

Although I love avocados it causes inflammation for Blood Type O individuals I didn’t now that and suffereed for months with hand inflammation as I was eating 6-7 avocados/week. Today I only eat 1 per week

avocados are a rare fruit due to their high content of healthy fats, essential for nutrient absorption and cell growth. Unlike most fruits that primarily contain carbohydrates, avocados provide a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and monounsaturated fats, making them an exceptional addition to any diet

I consider avocados to be very heart healthy. The monounsaturated fats in avocados reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol, thus promoting a healthier heart. This reduction in cholesterol levels is essential in decreasing the risk of heart disease

Despite being high in fat, the monounsaturated fats in avocados can help reduce body weight by promoting a sense of satiety and reducing the desire to overeat. This is particularly beneficial in a balanced diet

So consume some avocados in a week

Until tommorrow…


Muscle cramps, often described as a sudden, sharp pain due to the involuntary contraction of one or more muscles, are a common ailment that affects many individuals

There are mainly three types of muscle cramps – true cramps, tetany, and contractures. True cramps involve part or all of a single muscle or a group of muscles working together. Tetany cramps involve involuntary contractions of muscles and are typically a result of low calcium levels. Contractures, on the other hand, are rare and usually result from diseases like muscular dystrophy

Maintaining hydration and a balanced diet is pivotal when it comes to muscle health. Water and electrolytes play a crucial role in muscle function, and their deficiency can often lead to muscle cramps Foods high in magnesium, calcium, and potassium such as bananas, avocados, and leafy greens help maintain muscle function and prevent cramps.

I prescribe mineral replacement for most patients who exercise regularly You must drink enough water There are many homeopathic remedies that also work

Until tomorrow…


I read aa lot. There is one book I bought that fascinated me - The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs by Judy Nock. You find out about the hidden power of herbs. I love this book You can look up and herb discover its medicinal properties but then see the Magical properties

I use Skullcap ( Scutellaria laterifloia ) a lot in tinctures and teas as a calming herb. I think it is a better nerviune for anxiety than valerian for some individuals. Skullcap was introduced in the United States in 1863. This is also a Mint Family herb. I love those Mint herbs. The flowers are small and a variety of purple -blue to whute pink flowers.

It is great for calming . Its magicalk propertues are said to attract money Somehave said to place skullcap in a dish and place coins on top of the herb to invoke wealth. I haven;t tried it but certainly will. This book is well done and full of these antedotes for every herb’
Kudos to Judy Nock- a fun book for a Christmas gift for someone who loves herbs

Until tomorrow…


I love the Mint Fanily. With so many mint herbs one can dive into finding out the subtle flavors of each. For example, Lemon Balm is a Mint Family herb and is easily distinguishable. All the mint herbs can be used interchangeably. You harvest the Mint Family herb in summer or spring. They grow wild in Connecticut and can take over a garden, but I love the smell.

One of the volatile herbs ins pearmint is menthol which is a cooling agent and anesthetic. If you ever used mint toothpaste you understand the local ansesthetic aspect of this herb.

Spearmint is used effcetively in digestive probloems It can be used to settle the stomach and relaxes the smooth muscle of the digestive tract. It does minimize cramping, alleviate bloating and the gassy stomach when one has overeaten. If the stimnach is uoset due to stress iut does settke the stimnach,

Spearmint has an anti viral component, and does encourage sweating —lowering the high fever and temperature. It can be inhaled in a nebulizer to hear clear the nasal and sinus passages.. I love when an herbalist adds spearmint to a lip balm for protection against HSV 1 ( herpes virus). I even use it on bee stings which is very effective

So don;t regard the mint family as an annoyed invasive herb in your garden It has many uses

Until tomorrow…


Very few of us today take separate Vitamin A. It is commonly in most of our multivitamins  and definitely present in Cod Liver Oil. Vitamin A deficiency can result in blindness and dryness of the eyes. The drying can result in corneal ulcers and infection. 

Also the lack of Vitamin A can result in squamous metaplasia. This is where there is a normal protection that is gone. The protection of these ciliated mucous membranes is absent in certain areas leading to squamous metaplasia which will then lead to cancer,

Vitamin A also has the distinction of being the anti infective vitamin. It is very useful in lung disorders as COPD ( emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia)

As with the other fat soluble vitamins ( D, E and K) over dosage can lead to problems. I know a physician that prescribes it five days on and three days off. This is a good practice. The overdosage of vitamin A ( hypervitaminosis A) can present with band like headaches, nose bleeds, and even chapped lips.

There are some pediatricians who believe that Vitamin A protects children against otitis media ( middle ear infection)

Make sure your multi vitamin has Vitamin A. If not you can take an extra 10,000 IU without any adverse effects.

Until tomorrow...


High blood pressure, often labeled the “silent killer,” is a pervasive health issue that can stealthily escalate into life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, the power to manage this stealthy adversary might already be in your kitchen Cardiovascular disease is still the number #1 killer among ALL Americans There are some foods that can lower blood pressure

We all to eat leafy greens for many reaons. Rich in potassium, leafy greens such as kale, arugula, and spinach are crucial for maintaining a balanced blood pressure. Potassium helps mitigate the effects of sodium in your body, keeping your blood pressure in check. Regularly incorporating these greens into your meals can support vital bodily functions, including heart health and fluid balance.

If you want to eat a berry here they are. Blueberries are a powerhouse of flavonoids, particularly anthocyanins, which have been shown to decrease blood pressure significantly. These small but mighty fruits enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing pressure

These next vegtable might make your urine red or have a false positive on a urine sample for blood. But you need to ingest Beets. Beets are loaded with nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide—a compound that helps relax and dilate blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure. Consuming beetroot juice, in particular, has been shown to have a rapid and substantial effect on blood pressure control

These are my top 3 choices of foods to lower your blood pressure.

Until tomorrow


I have been a beekeeper for more than 15 years. I have been a Board member of the American Apitherapy Society for 10 years and current President for 2 years, I regard honey as a medicine All the actual products from the beehive are medicines

Raw  honey, treasured for centuries, offers more than just sweetness. This natural wonder, derived from the hard work of bees, is packed with an array of health benefits. Rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and healing compounds, raw honey stands out as a multifaceted food

Scientific studies have shed light on raw honey’s efficacy in treating conditions like acid reflux and gastritis. Its natural thickness coats the lining of the esophagus and stomach, forming a protective barrier against stomach acids.

This year at our Annual Conference in Chicago October 4-6th 2024 we had many lectures about the natural healing with honey. Raw honey is a natural guardian against bacteria and fungi, owing to its unique composition. The secret lies in its ability to produce hydrogen peroxide through an enzymatic process. This component acts as a mild antiseptic, making raw honey an excellent natural option for treating minor wounds and infections. Raw honey is widely recognized for its soothing effects on sore throats and coughs. Its thick, smooth texture coats the throat, providing immediate relief from irritation and dryness. The natural antibacterial properties also help in reducing throat infections, making it a go-to home remedy There was a lecture on honey for wounds and honey for oral health at the CMACC October 4-6, 2024 in Chicago

I get many questions about using honey if the patient has a higher blood sugar level Raw honey, despite its natural sweetness, has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, making it a healthier alternative. Its sugars are absorbed more slowly into the bloodstream, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

This year I harvested ore than 200 lbs of raw honey from my 3 hves. I have to thank Ryan G for helping me since I was ill and post surgery and couldn’t lift the boxes. My family will be bottling the honey It will be available at Botanical Bounty in NYC rough Fratellone Medical Associates HONEYBEE MD

Until tomorrow…