There are many natural sweeteners on the market today. Which natural sweetener do you use? We are NOT talking about the pink packet ( Sweet n Low), blue packet ( Equal) and even the yellow packet ( Splenda).
You ave seen on the back of labels of some products, sugar alcohols. These are plenty in the protein bars. Some of these are maltitol, xylitol and erythriol. The side effects of these sugar alcohols are digestive in nature mainly diarrhea, bloating and flatulence. This is mainly due to the slow and incomplete absorption in the small intestines. The small intestines is the 'shag rug' of absorption.
Today more of my patients are using stevia. There are studies supporting the use of Stevia. The studies have revealed that Stevia may low blood sugar and triglyceride levels. There is even studies stating that stevia can act as free radical scavenger antoxidants.
I do recommend one natural sweeteners. It is high quality raw honey. As a backyard beekeeper I am passionate about bees and their honey. Raw honey furnishes the body with a number of critical vitamins as B2, B6, iron and manganese. The multitude of studies on honey reveal that honey is a natural weapon against free radicals. It is also a natural antibiotic. Support beekeepers and honey bee associations. Do not forget Blackstrap molasses as this a more concentrated amount of vitamins, minerals and the trace minerals. I utilize black strap for those patients that are iron deficient..
I cannot end without mentioning agave syrup. It contains 97% of fructose. This is the very type of sugar when isolated from its fruit based origins has been implicated in the rapid rising rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.. So agave in my opinion might not be the best natural sweetener. There is maple syrup and honey
My choice is honey… Being a beekeeper helps
Our HoneybeeMD honey is now available at Botanical Bounty 646 723 1823
Until tomorrow...