As I have discussed many times, Americans are obsessed with their cholesterol You should be concerned about the amount of carbohydrates you intake in your daily dietary lifestyle. People eat daily that can raise your cholesterol levels and put you at risk for heart disease Eating the wrong kinds of food can lead to higher LDL levels– the bad kind There are 2 types of bad cholesterol when discussing particle size. It is not about the number but the type of particles. I would encourage you to ask your physician to draw your blood. This way he/she can send to a lab about particle size. The test is called Cardiac IQ done by Quest, or NMD done by LabCorp.

Do you consume about of red meat . Red meat may be full of flavor and a favorite amongst many, but its high-fat content can do more harm than good to your cholesterol levels. The fats and protein found in red meat are known to raise LDL (bad) cholesterol while lowering your HDL (good) cholesterol. Do not worry as fish, poultry, beans, and nuts can also be excellent replacements for unhealthy red meats that raise cholesterol levels.

I love eggs. The prominent nutrient in egg yolks is dietary cholesterol, which can raise your overall blood cholesterol levels Unfortunately, they are also an excellent source of cholesterol, with one jumbo-sized egg containing over 240mg of cholesterol. I do NOT avoid eggs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein The egg yolk ( the yellow part) also contains lots of B vitamins which are healthy for your dietary lifestyle

Do you consume shellfish ? Many Americans during the summer consume more shellfish. Shellfish often appear harmless, they are chock full of cholesterol-raising saturated fat and cholesterol. A 3-ounce serving of jumbo shrimp contains 184 mg of cholesterol, while 4 ounces of oysters contain over 270 ml

As Americans we love the processed baked goods. This I feel is the worst food to raise cholesterol and unhealthy. The carbohydrates raise your triglycerides, which overall then lower your good cholesterol ( HDL ) Store-bought baked goods have high levels of trans fats and saturated fat, which can drastically raise bad cholesterol levels.

So choose your protein wisely Be very concerned about processed food.

Until tomorrow. …