The exact cause of migraines is not fully understood. Various triggers have been identified as specific foods, hormones and stress I am particularly interested in the foods that cause triggers in migraines.

One food we know that triggers migraines is chocolate. Although sometimes a comfort food it does trigger migraines One key ingredient in chocolate is theobromine which is similar to caffeine in coffee. This affects the blood vessels and can lead tp headaches Not everyone that eats choclate gets migraines. Also since chocolate contains hjigh levels of lead and cadium, is this the reason you get migraines ?

Even aged cheese can cause migraines in some individuals The younger cheeses are sometimes better for individual’s with migraines Alcohol has long been associated with migraines The usual culprits ar ehisamine and tannins ( ttannins are in coffee induc emigraiens too ) Alocohol like coffee is a diureticv which canm cuase dehydration which leads to the migraines

Aspartame is a sugar substitute It might be a good substitute for some, but can cause migraines in some The chemical compound to interact with the neurotransmitters of the brain , which can cause migraines

Find your trigger if you suffer from migraines Have the doctor do a Ig G food allergy test

Until tomorrow…