Most of know Hops as in beer/. Hops ( Humukus lupulus) doe contains natural healing properties. It has been used to promote sleep and eases stress and anxiety. Who doesn’t need that in today’s world

It’s ancient uses are that of a natural sedative. There are any natural sedatives in botanical medicine. These are called nervines and there are ol plenty Some include blue vervain, lemon balm, Chamomille, and much more. I do use Hops. In traditional herbal medicine Hops has been used as a digestive aid and to relieve bloating and abdominal discomfort.

The most used part of the Hops plant are the female flowers referred to as the ‘ cones ‘ When used as a calming tea it can be consumed 1-2 cups per day I have seen patients use Hops as an aid to go to sleep Better yet if Hops is combined with Valerian for sleep I do see some patients have a paradoxical response and Valerian might stimulate him/her

Until tomorrow…