" Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness." George Santayana
Just knowing you can happy should be enough. Sometimes it is not, and we each search for happiness. Happiness might be in your own backyard, but then again it might not be. Knowledge is a very powerful tool. Do not waste the knowledge you can acquire in your lifetime. Learning is part of life.    

We all need to keep our lungs healthy There are many common respiratory ailments as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema ( also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease- COPD), pneumonia, cancer, sinusitis and  even allergies 

These are some helpful tips for healthy lungs:

1. Get regular exercise, especially aerobic
2. Do exercises to build your abdominal wall
3. Consider yoga, tai chi and belly dancing
4. Deep breathing every day . You can do meditation breathing 4-7-8
5. Avoid exercising in polluted air
6. Do not smoke
7. Avoid building or the work area with poor ventilation

8. Use all natural cleaners

9. Change heating/cooling filters monthly Check your house for mold
10. Test your home for radon
11. Keep pet clean and brushed to reduce shedding
12. Reduce the humidity of your home
13. Cough occasionally to clear your lungs
14. Do not overeat
15. Improve your diet; check your food allergies
16. Drink plenty of water
17. Keep the bowels moving
18. Do some bodywork
19. Remove old carpeting and replace with wood floors