There are many health problems when we get dehydrated from not drinking enough water. The problems can be migraines, fatigue and weight gain. We are supposed to drink 1/2 of body weight in fluid ounces in water. This could be too much for some individuals, yet a few glasses of water can add benefit.
More water can boost your skin and hair health. When hydrated our skin looks radiant and even gives a glow. Water plumps your body’s cell so there will be less wrinkles if you hydrate. If you also hydrated you will have less joint pain When you don’t drink enough water , the cartilage in your joints can start to break down. This is especially important as we age.
One organ that needs hydration continuously is your kidneys. Every day your kidneys filter 200 quarts of blood to produce two quarts of urine. You need water for this. One of the best ways to prevent kidney damage is to drink water.
The most important aspect of drinking water in addition to the above is to detoxify your body We get toxins from the air we breath, the food we eat and the products we use. The world is toxic. YOU MUST DRINK WATER TO DETOXIFY
Until tomorrow…