I have been drawn to rock, minerals and crystals ever since I bought a white box with labeled rocks from FW Woolworths. There are some things one never forgets. I have been drawn to certain crystals for some time. I have a collection of crystals throughout my home. One crystal originally discovered in Labrador Canada has been my favorite. It is Labradorite. It is usually grey - green in color with multicolored iridescence. It is Labradorite. It is called the ‘ Stone of Seeing “ as this is the crystal for perceiving what is real and true in the present moment.
There are certain times in my life when I needed truth. One was when I got sober in 1994. The other was in 2015 - 2016 when in my life was spiraling and words were not true from loved ones. I turned to this stone for guidance. Labradorite releases you from things that are ready to move on from. This could be from a toxic friendship or relationship. I needed to BE HERE NOW. I went to St Marks Place in New York City and did something bold. I had my left ear tragus pierced . I put a labradorite stone there. The tragus is a powerful point. I felt the stress released from my body as the tragus was pierced. I wanted the stone close to me where I can gain insight and wisdom that are just below the obvious. When under stress I press the labradorite tragus piercing for instant relief.
It has been said that this crystal strengthens your aura as well as deflecting and protecting the individual from any less than bright energies. It has served me well. It has allowed me to move on and forgive. I did this for me
Until tomorrow…