All lyme testing is NOT the same. I am not an infectious disease doctor. I as a integrative physician have learned about Lyme Disease as with most diseases through research papers, appropriate books and clinical experience. I had a good patient —my son who has had Lyme disease twice. I use Stony Brook, IgenX and Vibrant Labs for testing. The later Vibrant Tickborne Disease testing tests for ig G and ig M antibodies for Borreliosis/Lyme as well as coinfections and opportunistic infections. It tests along with DNA of the species causing these infections. The PCR test is a real time assay designed for qualitative detection of the infectious group specific DNA. This Ig G test looks for VlsE1 or C6 peptide as by the CDC criteria which no lab as Quest Lab Corp, Bioreference etc look for. Most labs look for 5 out of 10 bands. Lyme ig M is reported positive if VlsE1 or c6 peptide or WCS ( whole blood sonicate ) is positive or 2 of the 3 bands are positive - 23, 39, 41. Most labs only look for 2 out of the 3 bands and not the other criteria

This is why Vibrant is a more sophisticated and accurate test. The lab tests for classic Borrelia burgorferi and the usual co- infections ( Bartnella, Erlichiosis, and Babeosis. The lab tests for other Borrelia species which many labs do NOT test for. For example it tests for other Borrelia species which cause Lyme Disease. Some of these species are Borrelia bavariensis, Borrelia hermsii, Borrelia andsersonii and other species. It does test for Human granulocytic anaplasmosis ( HGA) caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilium.

I have done extensive reading on Lyme treatments for my patients . The treatment for Lyme disease goes BEYOND conventional antibiotics. I discuss herbal treatments, bee venom therapy, ozone therapy, infrared sauna, supportive oligonucleotide therapy and even stem cell treatments.

Seek out a Lyme literate health care professional

Until tomorrow…