For all its sweetness honey is in high demand. It is nature’s most hard working creation by the most sacred creatures— honeybees. It is loaded with nutrition, anti oxidant and is an excellent humectant. This means it has the ability to draw and seal in moisture. Therefore it can be used very effectively for wound healing. There are excellent studies on its benefit to heal wounds and burns.

I know some patients that use honey as a moisturizer

In 2021 The french cosmetic company Guerlain started a Bee Lab It was designed to start researching the benefits and biological properties of honey. I wish more companies would be so dedicated. From Guerlain they have developed and now sell Royal Advanced Youth Oil derived from black honey and royal jelly. This will have incredible results. All the components of a beehive can be used medicinally- propolis, bee venom, honey , bee pollen and of course honey.

I am dedicated to saving bees. For this reason, I am a beekeeper. I am also the Vice President of the American Apitherapy Society. ( I urge you to send a donation to this worthy organization which educational for the public and health care professionals to learn about bees and the components of a hive.

Until tomorrow…