Tarragon (Artemesia dracunculus ) also known as estragon is a perennial herb in the sunflower family. It can be laso known as dragon’s root since thge French word estragon means ‘ little dragon.’
Because of its serpentine roots it is said to cure the bites of venomous reptiles as snakes as well as a mad dogs. Because it is an artemsia is related to wormwood and mug wort. Nicholas Culpepper described the herb to be used to promote menses, and for urinary discharge.
The smell of this herb is not unnoticed. It is very aromatic and smells of anise. Its small pale yellow flowers rarely open Medicinally it was used as a remedy for toothaches, but more individuals know this herb for its use in cooking It can also be a breath freshener.
If you have never heard of tarragon used n food it is famous for a french dish called escalops de veau l’estragon ( veal escalops with tarragon)
Until tomorrow…