I discuss honey and components of the beehive a lot on my blog. Honeybees are my passion. I started learning about bees at a young age from Scientific American and for years I didn’t think about bees. Years ago I started to be a beekeeper and then I attended a lecture sponsored by the American Apitherapy Society. I met great people. These apitherapists became colleagues and friends. I am now the Vice President of the American Apitherapy Society. The past and current president are friends who I hold in high esteem for their work in the field of Apitherapy.
Honeybees are sacred to me
The components of the beehive as propolis, honey, bee venom and royal jelly are beneficial to disease and are medicinal ( for centuries)
Honey should never be heated
Honey has many types of preparations: Electuaries, Oxymels, Tinctured honey, and Infused Honey
The quality of Honey makes a difference
How we treat and keep bees is extremely important
Support your local beekeeper and the American Apitherapy Society
Honey is a precious commodity and should be valued and conserved