Many elderly people feel a sense of worthlessness as they age. I believe it is the younger generation that needs to help them NOW, not later. Older people feel that they no longer matter to others . This is absolutely not true for me. I cherish old people. I have learned a lot from old people. If you start a conversation with them, you will find that older individuals certainly have purpose and/or usefulness.
Do you know any old people? I know plenty ! But truthfully I love old people. I can discuss history, the movies, and the 1939 Worlds Fair. You never want an older person to feel a sense of isolation. Have them participate in as many chores as they can. My grandfather (Poppy) worked until his late 80's traveling to NYC from Westchester taking the subway from the Bronx. He had a purpose to live despite the fact that he no longer had any children alive. He had his tomatoes, his work and he had us.
Sure there are anti depressant for the elderly. I prefer to treat the elderly with other disciplines of medicines like chinese herbalism, aromatherapy, homoeopathy, western herbs, flower essences and vitamins and minerals. I ALSO BELIEVE THAT MEDICINE IS TAUGHT AT THE BEDSIDE NOT IN THE CLASSROOM WHEN IT COMES TO THE ELDERLY PATIENT. This translates that doctors should talk to the patient.
I always make sure that the older person has an adequate diet every day. I make sure he/she has enough B12 and folic acid. I check magnesium, potassium and calcium in their diet. I encourage plenty of antioxidants which can help delay some of the effects of aging.
I rely on two flower essences for comfort in the elderly. One is Cherry Plum and the other is Sweet Chestnut. The former is for "fear of the mind being over strained" while the other is for the "person who is anguished and stretched beyond endurance." In the field of homeopathy I prefer Ignatia for depression from a loss. I have seen many older individuals who have lost their spouse and more upsetting is the loss of a child. I know some homeopathic remedies and utilize them as often as I can.
The amount of herbs I use for depression and anxiety vary from individual to individual. I love the nervines in this regard. I use lemon balm (Melissa officiales) borage, limeflower, rosemary and vervain.
Ginseng is an herb I use for depression. It is useful for memory and confusion as well. I am careful not to use too much ginseng in the elderly as I have seen my reverse reactions.
Two remedies I learned from an elderly herbalist include using sage and cloves for lifting the mood. Both can be used as teas or can be added to food. As far as sage, I like the taste. When it comes to drinking clove tea, I usually add some chamomile, wild flower honey and even peppermint to help the taste. I am not fond of plain clove tea.
A gift for an elderly friend: A FRAGRANT POMANDER
1. Push cloves into an Orange or grapefruit
2. Attach a piece of ribbon and hang up for them when you visit.
3. It will freshen anyone's home and senses.
Until tomorrow...