Did you have your olive oil today? I was probably bathed in olive oil as a child. The vegetable oils that predominantly monounsatured lead to a less cardiovascular risk than polyunsaturated. It was long ago that physicians did recommend those polyunsaturated oils to protect your heart. But as it turns out- That was WRONG. Margarine took the place of butter at that time. That was a big mistake. From research we know better today.
Do they still sell margarine ? I hope not.
The following oils do not pose a threat to the cardiovascular system
There are differences in all four, and the one I prefer and highly recommend above all is OLIVE OIL.
By replacing saturated fat in the diet with olive oil will reduce your LDL ( bad cholesterol). Who can argue with an oil that has been around for thousands of years. Our Italian olive oil from our tree is Extra-virgin.
This is extracted with gentle pressure rather than with heat or solvents.
No matter what you decide , Olive Oil has the best correlation with health. The populations that use olive oil solely and mainly as their cooking fat oil have lower reductions in degenerative disease, cancer and cardiovascular disease. I would encourage you to read Extra Virginity : The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller
If you replace butter ( and for those unfortunate that still use margarine) with olive oil you are making the first step to a healthier lifestyle.
So imagine this: combine olive oil in your diet daily with omega 3 fatty acids from good quality fish--and you will have longevity
Until tomorrow