Vision producing plants is not what you think. These are NOT plants used to help eyesight or vision. These are plants that are hallucinogenic. For those who lived through the late 60's and 70's you know the kind of hallucigenics I am referring to. Well plants also can be hallucogenic. I am fascinated with a book called Plant Intoxicants. I have read it cover to cover. These hallucinogenic plants can be exciting and pleasurable but also terrifying. These types of plants are used in various cultures for sacred rituals throughout the world. Many of these plants are used by shamans who truly understand the effects of these plants.

I approach all plants with respect. I am also a person who appreciates trees for their dignity and strength. I approach 'vision producing plants' with the utmost respect. I believe since working with 7song I have entered into a relationship with plants unlike any other aspect of my career. It is the same relationship I have developed with honeybees. Both of these aspects of my life have broadened my spiritual self.

Some of the names for the hallucinogenic plants are fabulous--Holy Flower of the North Star, Tree of the Evil Eagle, Diviner's Sage, Turbina and Psilocybe (the sacred mushroom)

One herb that has become popular in the United States has been the Diviner's Sage (Salvia divinorum ). You would think that this would be burned as white sage before a ceremonial ritual. The leaves are used for divinity rites (thus its name). Some believe this plant is an incarnation of the Virgin Mary, thus it is also known as 'Herb of the Virgin'. This herb has been used by Mazatec shamans and it facilitates visionary states of consciousness during spiritual healing sessions. It is native to Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico. This herb remains legal in most states, although in the last three years states like Texas are trying to regulate its use or ban it. Other states have started calling for its prohibition.

I find it interesting that although discovered and written about in 1939, it was not until the 1990's that any articles appeared on its psychoactive component. I do not understand the other common name of the plant, 'Herb of the Sheppard less'. From my catholic upbringing I have never known the Virgin Mary as sheppard less so there must be another reason. The Mazatec shamans crushed the leaves and drank the extract leaf juice. I am sure you could make a tea concoction. Chewing and swallowing the leaves is another mode of ingestion. It has been written that the effect comes on more slowly and can last 10 - 30 minutes. As with most herbs, smoking is also an option. This would achieve the main hallucinogenic effects rather quickly. The active ingredient, salvinorin A is generally considered inactive when orally ingested as it is deactivated by the GI tract. A tincture could be made and taken with tea. Since tinctures are made with alcohol each tincture will vary based on who prepares the tincture.

I wouldn't party with this herb, but if you wish to gain an insightful spiritual experience you might have found your herb

Until tomorrow…