When you think of vulnerary herbs, what do you think of. These are herbs that heal damaged tissue and improve connective tissue integrity. I prefer to use these herbs in my practice as a rea or powder. I have favorite herbs and supplements to heal the gut. The two I use frequently are Slippery Elm and Meadowsweet. I do use others as Marshmallow and even Gota Cola. I do prefer Plantain for external wounds.

Much relief from these herbs can take place within days to weeks. I heal superficially with mucilage vulnerary herbs. Yet sometimes deeper tissue repair like SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and even hard cases of ‘ leaky gut can take months. Improvement happens over time. I talk to my patients about the 4 R’s

  1. Remove the offending substance

  2. Replace with healing foods

  3. Repair with specific herbs and supplements

  4. Restore with digestive enzymes

You must remember that every patient is different. There are different diseases but ultimately the ‘Gut ‘ is the pathway to all diseases. Heal the gut and you will heal the individual I use a tea blend called GUTSY which has proven to be an excellent blend to heal the gut

Call Botanical Bounty at 646 723 1823 for GUTSY TEA

Until tomorrow