If you took three flu shots in less than one year and STILL got the flu, would you start to have serious doubts about the shot’s efficacy? Would your doubts be justified?
Why, then, is the COVID shot any different?
People are starting to get restless about should they get a third shot and what if I get mandated to get a fourth shot. There are many unanswered questions
A recent letter from the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet raised this very question by pointing out the apparent lack of effectiveness of the COVID-19 injections. I do not think you could argue with this point. First it was stated and reinforced that getting the vaccine would stop the spread of this pandemic. Currently and certainly that statement is not true. Now – at best – the shot may reduce your risk of severe hospitalization and death with COVID-19, but it won’t stop you from getting it. You can get it with even after having a booster injection. Of course, this brings up an important question: “What is my risk of getting severely sick and hospitalized with COVID-19 anyway, even without the shot?” This risk level is widely different for different people, depending on factors like age and co-morbidities. It depends on the age of the patient as well as co morbidities as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and much more.
A disturbing statement by a group of scientists was issued in Lancet in July 2021 stating that Big Pharma presents the statistics carefully to make the shots seem much more effective than they actually are.
How effective are these vaccines ?
The Lancet wrote this “Vaccine efficacy is generally reported as a relative risk reduction (RRR) . “ The reported relative risk reductions of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots as 94% and 91%, respectively. Sounds impressive. “However,” the team continues, “RRR should be seen against the background risk of being infected and becoming ill with COVID-19, which varies between populations and over time. Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the vaccine, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a vaccine, considers the whole population”
In other words, absolute risk reduction is how much YOUR personal risk of COVID-19 goes down as a result of the vax (or any other variable in question). In contrast, relative risk reduction only compares the risk in two different groups of people (e.g., vax vs. unvaxxed).
So I ask again
Until tomorrow…