There are many herbs used for the brain. I don’t think we think ( no piun intended) about the herbs I am about to list. We think of Ginkgo mant times
Some of the other herbs include
St John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Valerian ( Valeriana officnales)
Lemon Balm ) Melissa pfficinales)
Kava ( Piper merthysticum)
Lavender ( Lavadula angustifolia)
Kudzu ( Puerania lobata)
Daffodil ( Narcissus pseudonarcissuss)
Passion flower ( Passiflora officianles)
I did not include herbs for memory which include a host of others like Lions mane, Bacopa. Huperzine and more Those herbs that end in the Latin name ‘officinales’ are named as these have been used as medicine. I use all herbs as medicine That’s what I love to do SJ Enna nd Stata Norton wrote a book which I highly recommend “ Herbal Supplements for the Brain “ Each herb above has a chapter and highly informative.