A hot topic !! The data out of Israel may have caused the booster sensation, but the real question is it real? Is the vaccine waning against immunity? Some scientists say no. Some say yes.
We do know that those vaccinated with the Pzifer vaccine in January or February 2020 are getting COVID now with the delta variant. There are about 14,000 individuals. There are very few getting COVID who had Pzifer at a late data like April 2020 and few Moderna injected patients.
Straightforward: People who had been vaccinated in the winter were more likely to contract the virus this summer than people who had been vaccinated in the spring. This has started a new trend of booster shots.
We do not know enough about the length of immunity from these new vaccines. I do not think there is enough data to justify boosters. Yet I do not want to get COVID yet again, nor do I want another shot at this time. You can check your level of antibodies in your blood. Ask your health care practitioner about this .
While there are some Americans talking about booster —there is another group who has never ever been vaccinated. Those not vaccinated might have exemptions due to various other health concerns. It will be increasingly difficult to manage in New York City without a vaccination in regard to dining and theatres.
Now today I read that booster might have to be given every 8 months but health official and President Biden are discussing every 5 months
Do your own research and decide if you want the booster if already vaccinated. It does depend on when you were vaccinated and are you protected currently. Get a blood test