The berries from this plant are a evergreen shrub found on both coasts of the United States. The shrub can be 3 to 9 feet tall. You can’t miss the juniper purplish berries.
Juniper ( Juniperus communis ) has been used in cooking recipes for centuries. It is usually added to flavor wild game as duck or pheasant. I have used it as a crushed berry and I add to green tea. The berries are added to marinade of rosemary, oregano or ginger.
The extract of juniper is used as a diuretic. It is used as antiseptic n urinary tract infections. It is contraindicated in kidney disease. It is contraindicated in pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions. Used traditionally as a decoction to treat rheumatism and arthritis. I have read that American Indians used in their teepees to ward off rattlesnakes. I have even seen it to promote menstruation.