There are many fragrant herbs. Some of these fragrant herbs are healing herbs as lavender. One of my favorite which is from the Mint Family is Lemon Balm ( Melissa officinalis) Why do I love this herb besides its fragrant smell. Melissa is the Greek word for Bee. Some refer to Melissa as Bee Balm. The honeybees lobe Bee Balm. It has historically been used as a culinary, cosmetic and medicinal herb. It is used medicinally for anxiety. I use the herb for hyperthyroidism or when the thyroid is over active. In conventional medicine there is a drug called Tapazole which slows down the thyroid when in an overactive state.

The herb, Lemon Balm is very effective for slowing down the thyroid with two other herbs which also are from the Mint Family. The other herbs are Motherwort and Bugleweed.

Other illnesses where Lemon is used are in digestive disorders, use with fevers, and to increase perspiration

If you want to try Lemon Balm as a tea ..call Botanical Bounty at 646 723 1823

Until tomorrow…