Throughout my career I had continuously read virociously . I love to learn new materials and re learn old material. I have also discussed various teachersm colleagues and mentors. I cam across a book on my shelves entitled The Endrocrine System for the Herbalist by Jody Noe, ND MMS. Not only is she a colleague but also a friend with a tremendous amount of herbal knowledge . She is a fabulous writer. Our ties also are in the field of oncology. She was an adjucnt professor at the University of Brodgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine. By the time I became an adjunct professor at the school, she had left the university However I started to teach Integrative Oncology in addition to other courses. I used her authored book, Textbook of Naturopathic Integrative Oncology.

I always have found in writins and teachings to be detailed yet explainable and teachable ( if these are words ) She is an independent practitioner in Rhode Island ( close to the Connecticut border). I refer to her as she is an expert in the use of CBD and THC . This leads me to her third book, Medicinal Cannabis Experiences & Protocols- A Cannabis Companion Handbook . I belive and encourage all herbal and natgurpathic students to get her books for their personal library. You also refer back to her books for protocols and explainations.

We both are instructors at the ArborVitae School of Medical Herbalism in New York. It always is a pleasure to see her at conferences.

Buy her books

Until tomorrow..,.