Did you know that honeybees and bumblebees together pollinate almost 90% of the world’s plant population? Withour their pollination you would have a 1/3 less fruits and vegetables on your table.

Bee-friendly gardens are a great way to help nectar and pollen spread, and keep our world’s beautiful landscapes thriving!

There are many bee-friendly plants

Examples are Mountain Laurels, Hydragea, Coral Bells, and Butterfly Bushes

If you want to start a project ( it is never too late ) there are books on Pollinators. One of my favorites is

  1. National Wildlife Federation: Attracting Birds, Butterflies amd Other Species: Step by Step Instructions by David Mizejewski

2. The Pollinator Victory Garden: Win the War on Pollinator Decline with Ecological Gardening; Attract and Support Bees, Beetles, Butterflies, Bats, and Other Pollinators by Kim Elerman

And finally the basic DO’S OF A GARDEN Pick plants and flowers that provide lots of cover to your bees

  • Allow vegetables and herbs to flower

  • Plant at least ten types of plants that attract bees

  • Provide access to water

  • Pick colors bees are attracted to, such as greens, blues violets, and yellows

  • Buy a Mason Bee House

Until tomorrow…