We live in a toxic environemnt. We as American s are obsessed with getting fat or obese. There are fad diets, weight loss supplements and intense exercise programs to lose weight. WEe do know that obesity is linked to cardiovascular disease , diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea and much mroe. Have you ever considered that our environemnt is killing us. The air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink are now considred obesogenic. The life essential - air, water and food is making us obese.

If you consome processed food, drink soda or pop, and do not exericse - you are setting the future for obesity. You are also setting the stage for chronic disease. There is overwhelming eviden ce that environemnt chemicals can and do interfere with metabolism, thyroid function and the formaiton of fat cells.

An excellent article as written by Marianne Marchese, ND in this months Townsend Letter. She outlined these environemnt chemicals that can cause obesity as well as giving the reader the education and the solution to what you can do . The toxins are

  1. Bisphenol A

  2. Phthalates

  3. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers

  4. Organochlorine phosphates

  5. Polychlorinated biphenyls

  6. Polyfluroakyl chemicals

    Get fanmilar with these toxins by educating yourself and what poroducts contain them For example a vinyl shower curtain can contain phthalates as well as many cosmetic products.

    It is about getting healthier and trying to the best of your ability to live a chemical free life. You musy choose your battles. Educate yourself

    Until tomorrow…