WE live in a toxic world. Chronic diseases have been linked the air we breath, the food we ingest and the water we drink. If you have not paid attention to this in the past —there is no better time than now. Recently an article published int he Townsend Letter ( May 2021 ) discussed the association between air pollution and heart disease deaths.

In the past I have discussed cardiovascular diseases associated with heavy metals as lead, mercury, arsenic and more. I have discussed the role of mold exposure and chronic conditions as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.

A review by Jacob Schor ND outlines two studies that reveal air pollution and the rish of cardiuovascualkr death. I believe this article highlighted that the decerase in air pollution during the pandemic of COVID ( social distincing, masks, etc) was significant. This decerase in air polution saved lives We lost lives due to COVID but less due to cardiovascular deaths. More studies need to be conducted on the environment and its relationship to mortality.

Until tomorrow…