Do you or your child have trouble focusing, staying organized, or completing tasks? It could be attention-deficit disorder (ADD), also known as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
There are a multitude of ADD drugs: Concerta, Provigil,Vyvanse,Adderal and more If you’re one of the 4.4% of adults in America who are affected by ADD/ADHD, or your child is among the over 6 million youngsters who have this condition, you may benefit from some of these natural strategies.
Change your dietary lifestyle. Consume less simple sugars ( carbohydrates) Get allergy tested as some foods you are sensitive to can make you feel this way. Eat a higher protein, low carbohydrate lifestyyle
2. Avoid nicotine and caffeine products
3. Exercise - start an exericse regimen
4. Get the proper amount of sleep
5. Consider a SPECT scan of your brain
6. Consider behavioral modification therapy
7. Get a hobby
8. Consider neurotransmitter testing , adrenal testing and heavy metal testing