This past weekend I saw a mother and her 21 year old daughter. The discussion involved endometriosis in the family and the use of oral contraception. The first approved oral contraceptive was introduced in 1960 — more than 60 years ago. What have we learned about contraception ? There are many published studies on oral contraception. We do know that 46- 60% of women who start them—discontinue them within the first 6 months.

This is good news as it have been shown and studied that oral conception depletes the body of necessary vitamins and supplements,

There are more than 14 different nutrients that are depleted in 10 million women in the USA. Some of these include vitamins B1, B2 B3, B12, C, E and minerals as magnesium and selenium. Both tyrosine and coenzyme Q10 are also depleted. We already that todays foods are depleted of such vitamins/minerals when compared to 70 years ago. This is another story for a different blog

These vitamin/mineral depletion or deficiencies can lead to an increase in diseases as depression, sleep issues, blood clots, diabetes, and even a weakened immune system. Selenium is an important trace mineral involved in the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to thyroid hormone T3. Both folic acid and B12 lead to nutritional anemias.

If you are considering oral contraceptives—please discuss with your health care professional.

Until tomorrow…