As a new gardener in the state of Connecticut I have planted many berry trees this year. One is a Bing Cherry Tree. I look forward to having cherries next year and there after. It is hard to resist a cherry during the season You be wondering if there are health benefits to eating cherries.

A single cup of this fruit which is about 20 cherries has plenty of Vitamin C, only 90 calories and 3 grams of fiber. So yes it is worth having cherries. In addition cherries are packed with antioxidants, potassium and even melatonin

One of the main benefits is that cherries can relieve arthritis pain. It has many anti inflammatory properties. I prescribe cherries to patient having an acute gout attack. The American Institute of Cancer Research lists cherries as a good fruit for cancer prevention and studies have shown that cherries can decrease growth of cancer

Until tomorrow…