As the weather is getting colder you can expect an increase in COVID cases and the flu. This is not good for the Northeast and colder climates. There is good news for countries below the equator

The flu season in the Sothern Hemisphere usually peaks in August ( as their flu season is April to September) This year there were surprisingly the flu. The countries below the equator had a record low flu season. This is great news. The flu season in the Southern Hemisphere started shortly after COVID hit. The reason can also be attributed to more flu shots this year for the Southern Hemisphere.

We should expect the increase in the Northeast due to the regular flu cases and added Corona cases. Have you had your homeopathic flu shot ? Yes I said homeopathic flu shot which is available in our offices. I have been administering a homeopathic flu shot for more than 17 years. It is a very effective homeopathic IV or IM remedy.

Until tomorrow…