As a physician I am concerned about your oral health. All doctors should be concerned with oral health for variety of reasons. There is a link to heart disease. Studies have shown that peridontal disease with high C reactive protein is associated with coronary artery disease
Years ago Dr Weston Price conducted thousands of experiments to determine the reasons why teeth became carious ( get dental cavities) He concluded that dental infections changed the pH balance of the body. This starts the inflammatory process. Also the effect on calcium.
Dental plaque is an ideal food source for bacteria Their acid by product etches the enamel and starts the decaying process. The ph balance of the mouth is disturbed thus again leading to the inflammatory process. Then we add in fluoride or even mercury and there is more dental pH disturbance. These studies were done on the saliva by Dr Hawkins who wrote Applied Nutrition.
I am strongly suggesting that individuals check out their mouth status. It is not only about white teeth. I am concerned about formation of pockets and dental plaque. I prefer Waterpik cleaning of the mouth after each meal. You may try oil pulling but in moderation. I am not a fan of flossing except in special cases.
I suggest reading Reversing Gum Disease by Sandra Senzon and Root Canal Cover up by George Meinig