This year we must be diligent about the flu. In addition to the flu that happens every year, we must watch for increased case of Corona virus. Not all signs and symptoms mean you have corona virus
A runny nose is often associated with allergies, but it can be a sign of the corona virus. In the last 5 months the number of different symptoms have surfaced with regard to corona virus. These can be severe fatigue, cough, fever, loss of taste, loss of smell and the worst is shortness of breath. 31 % to 40% diagnosed with corona virus could not catch their breath It is completely normal to experience a shortness of breath when you’re trying to push your limits while exercising or it could be anxiety. Many individuals are suffering from anxiety and depression during this time
You should not automatically think you have corona virus when you get these symptoms. Many of the signs and symptoms you are about to read can mean something else than COVID-19.
Feeling tired all the time is one of the most common symptoms of the novel coronavirus. But this could be other illnesses as EBV ( epstein barr virus) reactivation, or stress. The CDC also reported that 59 percent to 82 percent of COVID-19 patients experienced a dry cough. A dry cough could be an allergy, or could mean exposure to mold
As we all know, an increase of the temperature is the most common coronavirus symptom. About 83 percent to 99 percent of COVID-19 patients experienced it. A fever could be accompanied by muscle aches, fatigue, and joint pain. This could be infection with another virus, or even the flu. It does not always mean corona