If you fingers and toes tingle in the cold weather, it may not be due to poor circulation. You need to investigate You could have a circulatory problem called Raynaud’s syndrome where the small arteries and arterioles constrict. You fingers and even your toes could take on a bluish tinge-
This is a autoimmune disease and be linked to other autoimmune disease as systemic lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroidits, rheumatoid arthritis and much more. There is a conventional treatment for this condition that dilate the blood vessels. It is usually a calcium channel blocking drug I find it effective in 50 % of the patients.
I have used magnesium with L taurine and found it most effective. The individual should avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine. I have used Vitamin E occasionally for this condition. To date I prescribe low dose naltrexone ( LDN) in a dose starting at 1.0 mg and as high as 4.5 mg