For years I have been ahead of the curve on many forefronts. There are two examples - one is the use of bee venom therapy for many conditions and the other is the use of low dose naltrexone (LDN) I have been in practice for more than 25 years.
Full dose naltrexone 50 mg was approved by the FDA in the 1980’s. It is an anti narcotic medicine for the treatment of opioid addiction, especially heroin. I have been using low dose naltrexone at a dose starting at 1 mg up to 4.5 mg ( rare cases 6.0 mg) for treatment of autoimmune issues, cancer Lyme disease and more for 20 years. I started using it 21 years ago.
I believe it strengthen my immune system. For those patients that have been on LDN and developed COVID 19. It did provide protection against COVID Why live at high risk? Ask your health care professional about LDN. It is not an expensive drug. It has halted the progression of autoimmune diseases. It prevented me from using Synthroid for my autoimmune thyroiditis ( Hashimoto’s) as well has helped thousands of my patients.
Until tomorrow…