I am glad I reside in Connecticut and New York City. At the beginning of the pandemic New York City had its share of deaths and filled hospital capacities. Despite what many might say, I feel Governor Cuomo did then and is still doing an excellent job. Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma and Texas have all reported increases in new cases this past week. Nevada reported its single highest day since May 23 rd. I can see remember how its governor was arguing with Anderson Cooper in an interview. I just don’t get it.
It is more than a possibility that there will be an increase in numbers. I attribute this to the businesses reopening in most of these states and the laxity of their residents. There is also an increase in cases due to the protesting in the streets to end racial injustice. Many are standing or marching close together without any masks. Does anyone wear a mask ?
Seventeen states have shown increases in numbers. I am not surprised. I am also not surprised that this occur throughout the summer and into the Fall. This is not a surge per se but a continuation of the pandemic. The real surge will come during the normal flu season in late Fall/early Winter.
Until tomorrow…