Is wearing a mask now part of your normal attire / Will a mask protect me from a viral infection ? Will a mask protect others from contracting a droplet/airborne viral infection from me? These are very important questions
I do know that some doctors offices are requiring you to wear a mask. There is a sign in our office. You cannot ride Metro North New Haven Line without wearing a mask
Viruses are generally much smaller than bacteria ranging from 0.1 to 0.3 microns. The COVID 19 virus is .1 micron. It is known that your body’s defense respiratory system is sufficiently able to filter and remove foreign substances over 2.5 microns. If these substances pass this barrier , they then must encounter the forces of your own general immune system. It has been reported in a 2010 study that shirts, towels, sheets are ineffective viruses. The protection of these fabrics materials are unlikely to have respiratory protection to a wearer against virus size sub microns. So why I am wearing a mask ? It has been handmade for me and I like the colors I have chosen is my answer. People wearing cloth masks were 13 times more likely to have respiratory symptoms than a medical mask that I wore in the hospital while volunteering.
There is conflicting data out there. I do not know how to solve that problem or interpret the information. A cloth mask is good is the user is coughing or sneezing and that is it. Surgical or procedure masks are the best. These are great for splash protection from saliva etc but do not offer any respiratory protection from particles less than 100 microns.
So this is my answer. Wearing a mask is an individual’s choice. I feel it makes others feel protected or safe from the wearer. The common sense public health measure of social distancing seems to be the best answer Oh , yes you must definitely do routine hand washing when needed.