Do you like to eat chili peppers? A published study in The Journal of American College of Cardiology published in 2019 revealed that regularly eating chili peppers was associated with lower total and cardiovascular disease mortality risks. I found this study to be informative and insightful.
The Chili pepper is part of our culture. Maybe not the American culture, but NYC culture with a melting pot of different cultures. It is seen in jewelry designs and most Italian cities. Historically and folklore medicine show chili peppers with amazing properties. We do know that different species in the Capsicum family have protective benefits for many disease other than heart disease.
Lets look at the consumption of spicy foods. These are consumed daily in some cultures. The daily consumption is associated with a 14 % reduction in total mortality and 22 % reduction in death from ischemic heart disease.
The lesson is: Start eating chili peppers
Until tomorrow…